NEW - Semi-Automatic Tray Loaders

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First, WLS offers an automatic tray loader design. Vials are counted and placed in two rows which are shuttled into one of the two trays. Once the correct number of counted rows has been achieved, the following rows of vials are directed to a second tray while an operator removes the first filled tray before inserting an empty one. The machine output will vary based on the vial size and the customer tray design, making this automatic tray loader highly adaptable.

WLS also offers a second option where vials are directed to the first of the two trays and counted. Once the correct count has been achieved, the vials are directed to the second tray while an operator finishes filling the first tray and removes it before inserting an empty one. This tray loader option also ensures that machine output will vary based on the vial size and the customer tray design.

Backed by WLS and our partners' reputation for quality, impeccable service, and customer care, the various vial tray loader designs are built to meet your automation demands.